Thursday 17 January 2008

No NI Blogs?

Noticed this blog entry on a site today,

I’ve been looking in vain for Northern Ireland business blogs.  And, I can’t find any!  Why?  Why don’t NI professionals blog?

Is it a fear of letting your guard down?  Of expressing your true opinions and attitudes?  Or appearing less than perfectly organised, professional and in control of your organisation and colleagues?

Is it a fear of technology?  How do I set up a blog?  What is it anyway?  Who would maintain it?  What if something went wrong and it made me/my business/my website look unprofessional?

Is it a fear of writing?  Many accomplished business owners, who are making a living and much more would begin to quake if they were asked to write a blog post.

I think the reason for this lack of blogs is simple, Northern Ireland professionals do not see blogging as a business tool. While big corporations seem to have set up blogs for everyone who can type, small business is probably asking itself, "Sure what have I got to say that's important or interesting ?", "We are only a small company, no one is going to read it" and "If it's not popular the lack of traffic will make my business look bad." These are fair points but remember guys, blogging is free advertising. Add Google Ads to the side of your blog and you might even make a few extra quid.

So the challenge goes out to the professionals of Northern Ireland, pick up the keyboard at least once a week and tell us what you're doing, what you're thinking or what advice you have for the rest of us from this corner of Europe. Hey if you need any help just leave me a comment and I'm happy to help you set your blog up.

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