Wednesday, 9 July 2008

The coolade doesn't taste too bad.

I've been using my wee Macbook quite a bit lately and I'm really starting to like it...a lot. You see I'm generally regarded as a Microsoft fan and I suppose that's been fair. My Vista laptop has got mostly Microsoft only software at the moment with only a few things like Adobe and iTunes representing the rest of the world. However due to the size of the machine I prefer to carry around the Macbook and the more I use it the more I find useful features that I miss on Vista.

The best example at the moment is the syncing of contacts and calendar between my PC and my Nokia N95. I don't want to use the Nokia software to do anything more than install updates and move photo's so I tried to keep the contacts in sync with Sync Centre. It was having none of it! Couldn't even get the devices to talk to each other. Without too much hope I thought about iSync. Within two minutes my contacts and calendar were synced to the Mac and iTouch. Another couple of minutes and I can have the calendar synced to Google and then back to Outlook. Now for anyone paying attention to Apple in the last few weeks you might have heard about a wee thing called Mobile Me. Suddenly the ability to sync Apple and Windows through the Cloud and my N95 through Bluetooth is very promising.

So what do I want to see? Well I'd like to see Live Mesh being extended to cover hotmail contacts, email and calendar then being implemented on Mac and Nokia. if this happens and sits with the current file sync then I will happily pay a subscription to Microsoft but at the moment I'm giving serious thought to Mobile Me. The main point is that Apple have made the syncing life easier and if someone like me is considering moving to Steve Land others must be thinking the same because lets face it easier wins out in the end.

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